Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Process Essay

Always the hardest: Adapting to a new country
Grace Shin-Ae Lee
Process Essay
663 words

Many people say that moving to a different country is not like making a food or riding a bike. They are trying to be serious even in those things. However, it is nothing to worry about if you follow these instructions, written by my own self, including my very own personal experiences.
Have you seen people going crazy ‘just because’ their day and night are changed? Maybe they wanted to save their time and money for traveling or wanted to have fun and go have an one-shot drink. You would’ve done this if these instructions weren’t in front of you on a nice magazine or a newspaper. Some countries, like America and Korea, have opposite time period. While it is day light in Korea it is night in America, and vice versa. Following and getting along with your body and time period is not a silly thing to ignore. You will need no equipment for this step, but you’ll probably want to have a nice, puffy bed rather than a cement floor. Now, you should wear comfortable clothing, like pajamas, and lay down on the bed. If you find yourself difficult to sleep, a good recommendation here is to count sheep in your head until you find yourself in the middle of nowhere with the sheep. It will only take a day, for the shortest, and 3days for the longest to follow along with the time, from a personal experience.
Everybody must have suffered at least once from a cold: sneezing, fever, sore throat, coughing, or the worst, stuffed nose. All of these are caused by the sudden change in weather that your body can not follow up rapidly. To prevent these evil bacteria, we should be ready to have a fight with them by wearing appropriate clothes according to the weather. Your body looks strong with muscles and fats, but after all it is a dog that has just gave birth to the pups, sensitive and nervous. I would prefer listening to these instructions if you don’t want to freeze to death wearing shorts in Alaska or suffer from having prickly heats wearing woolen jackets in Florida.
Another important step of going to a new country and adapting is getting to know the culture of that country. If you planned living in that country for a long time, you should be more understanding in the culture category. Why is it so important? There will be times when you have to try food in that country. You can’t eat your own country food every meal just because you hate the country food, can you? You should get used to the food when you first come to the country. Even people who disliked spicy and hot foods liked the Korean traditional food, ‘Kim chi’. There are people that act prudishly but actually get more into than other people. Some parts of culture are: food (everybody can agree that it’s the most important thing), education (especially school, where students suffer), traditions, religions, development of science politics and arts.
How would you feel if you were left on an island with people all talking in different languages? It’s fretful, annoying, and probably even angry. Many people say from experience that the hardest part of adapting to new country is language. There are many ways of communicating with people, but most of the people prefer ‘talking’. A technique for learning the language faster and easier is to talk a lot, even though you are not good at it. Have confident and speak out, because you remember what you’ve said rather than what you’ve heard. You would want to listen to there instructions because you will easily get cheated if you do body languages in front of people.
I guarantee you that these instructions will help you out: time, weather, culture, and language. This process will never end up with wasting time, but as a huge success. It will help you survive the new country. Then, good luck!

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